講員 Speaker: 丁同甘長老 Elder Bill Ting
主題 Topic: 超越的人生 A Surpassing Life
經節Verses: 羅馬書Romans 5:1-11
大綱 Outlines:
1. 救恩的需要 The Need of Salvation (羅Romans1:18-3:20)
2. 救恩的方法 The Way of Salvation (羅Romans 3:21- 5:21)
a. 因信稱義的道理 (羅Romans 3:21-31) The Reason of Justification by Faith
b. 因信稱義舊約中的例子 (羅Romans 4:1-25) The Examples of Justification by Faith in the Old Testament
c. 因信稱義的結果 (羅Romans 5:1-11) The Result of Justification by Faith
3. 超越的人生是藉著因信稱義的結果 A Surpassing Life is the Result of Justification by Faith
a. 今生得平安/來生得榮耀 Have Peace in Present Age/Glory in the Age to Come
b. 患難中的超越 Surpass the Suffering
4. 神愛的豐富God’s Bountiful Love
a. 我們還軟弱的時候 We Were still Powerless…
b. 我們還作罪人的時候 We Were still Sinners…
c. 我們作仇敵的時候 We Were God’s Enemies…
金句 Key Verse : 羅馬書Romans 5:5b