講員 Speaker: Rev. Charles Sunwoo
主題 Topic: 人心的真相Truth about Person’s Heart
經節Verses: 馬太福音Matthew 12:33-37
大綱 Outline:
1. 憑著我們的_____受審判
Judged by our __________________
a) 我們比較會 We are good at _________________________
b) 我們比較不會以 ____________________. 跟進。
We are no as good at following up with ____________________
c) 我們的話語和行為 ____________________ 我們是怎樣的人。
Our words and actions are ____________________of who we are.
2. 或以為樹好 “Make the tree good.”
a) 樹 __________ 一定生來就是好樹
Trees may __________ necessarily be born good.
b) 但我們可以 __________ 樹好。
But we can __________ the tree good.
c) 話語可以 __________ 一個人或 __________ 一個人。
Words can __________ a person or __________ a person.
3. 實際的問題Practical Questions
a) 你是否認為屬靈生命的轉變只是一個口號,描述了你所希望成為的更好基督徙?或者你認為它是上帝的承諾,使你能天天經歷與得着?
Do you see Spiritual transformation as a catch phrase that describe the better kind of Christian that you wish to be? Or do you see it as a promise of God that can be claimed by you day by day?
b) 你是否只把你在耶穌裡的身分視為是神學真理?或者你認為它是一個美好的實際?
Do you see your identity in Jesus only as a theological truth? Or do you see it as a wonderful reality?
c) 當情況許可時,你是否認為喜樂是可有可無?或者你認為它是當你住在基督裡,在你裡面長成的聖靈果子的一部分?
Do you see joy as something optional when situation warrants it? Or do you see it as part of the fruit of the Spirit that grows in you when
you abide in Christ?
4. 實際的應用Practical Application
a) 記得你的身分 Remember your identity
b) 記得神的目的 Remember God’s purpose
c) 記得神的大能 Remember God’s Power